Resep: Garlic Butter Shrimp with Broccoli yang Mantul

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Garlic Butter Shrimp with Broccoli. If you like this garlic butter shrimp recipe, let me know in the comment section below. I know that some people are not huge seafood fans, so I'm definitely open to hearing your opinions. Serve over zucchini noodles or with a side of steamed broccoli.

Garlic Butter Shrimp with Broccoli It's pretty amazing how the combination of garlic and butter seems to have been invented just so that it can be applied to shrimp. I served it with tri color quinoa and broccoli. This is honey garlic shrimp is one of my favorite Asian dishes to make because it's super easy to put together in and is ready in no time. Bunda bisa mencoba resep Garlic Butter Shrimp with Broccoli menggunakan 9 bahan dan 5 steps. Berikut adalah cara membuat resep ini dengan mudah.

Bahan-bahan yang harus di siapkan dari resep Garlic Butter Shrimp with Broccoli

  1. Bunda membutuhkan 250 gr Udang.
  2. Siapkan 2 sdm air perasan jeruk nipis.
  3. Bunda membutuhkan 2 sdm margarin.
  4. Bunda membutuhkan 4 butir bawang putih haluskan.
  5. Bunda membutuhkan 1/4 sdt merica bubuk.
  6. Bunda membutuhkan 1/4 sdt garam.
  7. Bunda membutuhkan 1/4 kaldu jamur.
  8. Bunda membutuhkan 1 sdt Parsley.
  9. Bunda membutuhkan Brokoli.

Shrimp, broccoli, and water chestnuts are stir-fried with a combination of soy and oyster sauces in this quick Chinese-style dish. Add broccoli to a large, microwave safe bowl. Top with seasoning and cover bowl with a damp paper towel. Garlic butter shrimp is juicy, flavorful, and makes for the perfect weeknight meal.

Tahapan cara membuat resep Garlic Butter Shrimp with Broccoli

  1. Kupas dan sisakan bagian ekor lalu cuci bersih.
  2. Masukkan 2 sdm margarin lalu tumis udang sampai berubah warna (sebentar saja). Sisihkan.
  3. Cincang bawang putih lalu tumis dengan 2 sdm margarin.
  4. Masukkan brokoli aduk lalu tambahkan udang beri garam, kaldu jamur, parsley dan air perasan jeruk nipis. Cek rasa angkat.
  5. Sajikan selamat mencoba.

Lucky for you, lemony garlic butter shrimp is easy to make! It cooks quickly and is extremely versatile when it comes to making different dishes. I love how your family didn't miss the usual sugar in the broccoli salad. Add flavorful garlic shrimp & broccoli to noodles for a tasty meal. But first… hello pretty garlicky shrimp!